Series shows like 'Grey's Anatomy', 'The Good Doctor' and 'New Amsterdam' put the medical field on the map as something more interesting than simply practicing medicine. Seeing the type of lives doctors live, their working hours and the medical situations they tend to find themselves in daily, has given new meaning to the medical industry and attracts the interest of non-medical fans too.
If you're a bookworm who prefers a good read over a series, here are 3 exceptional books that include details about what it's like to work in the medical field, but summarized in a more digestible way for both people interested in the field of medicine to enjoy, as well as people who simply find reading about medical stories fascinating.
From High School to Medical School – Dr. Rachel A Winston
Of the three books listed, this is probably the most apt and useful for any scholar looking to become a medical school student or even for a parent looking to understand the steps involved in getting from high school to medical school. The process involved in finding the correct medical school or doctoral education online is tedious – this book aims to simplify that process.
Becoming a nurse, vet or doctor is a long and challenging study. It is a competitive field that students looking to access great in-house or online degrees need to put a lot of effort into. Knowing the deadlines, statistics, what the admissions team is looking for, information that entry essays should entail and everything that has to do with getting into a medical school is easily outlined in this book. It's kind of like 35 years of admissions experience packed into one book, to benefit and help any student looking to increase their chances of getting into their dream school and offer more information about the entry process in general.
This is Going to Hurt – Dr. Adam Kay
An exceptional read for both budding doctors and anyone interested in an entertaining story too.
This book is written by Dr. Adam Kay, a fully fledge doctor based in the UK. It tells his tales of what it was like for him to start working at a hospital and the situations he encountered. From working more than 30-hour shifts and experiencing tiredness that he thought he could never survive, to finding patients doing the most arbitrary things in the hospital for attention, this book is loaded with real-life stories.
One of the best things about this book is that Dr. Kay manages to pull off each story, whether happy or sad, in a humorful way that does not ever make fun of a patient but brings that typical British wicked humor to the table. This book will have you giggling to yourself from beginning to end, whilst also informing you of the challenging lives doctors lead and what they do to deal with the pressure of their industry.
For future doctors, it is advised to take this book with a pinch of salt, as it is a funny book after all but to also take a read to see what Dr. Kay experienced as a doctor. It must be said that Adam Kay has since given up practicing and now entertains the world with his talented writing skills instead.
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? – Dr. Julie Smith
As a clinical psychologist, with decades of experience, Dr. Julie Smith created a showstopper of a book that allows people to navigate life's ups and downs with more knowledge and grace.
Certain occurances happen in life that simply cannot be avoided, procrastination, fear, anxiety, and the list goes on. Many people carry a lot of shame around these sensations and do not harbor great copying mechanisms and therefore tend to struggle through daily life happenings, sometimes on an hourly basis.
This book aims to give bite-sized ideas and coping mechanisms for anyone struggling. The book is segmented into small chapters so that readers can jump through the book and read the chapter about the topic that they happen to need help with that day to create better habits all around. The examples and 'solutions' are relatively easy to implement and practical in their approach, making it the ideal companion for anyone traversing through life's typical ups and downs.