The Confusion

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by Neal Stephenson

A group of Barbary galley slaves, led by Jack Shaftoe, called King of the Vagabonds, or Half-Cocked Jack, devises a bold plot to gain freedom and wealth in the year 1689. A fantastic adventure begins, with a risky race for a massive prize of silver... nay, gold... nay, legendary wealth.

In Europe, France's most dashing privateer strips the gorgeous and resourceful Eliza, Countess de la Zeur, of her vast personal wealth. She is caught up in a labyrinth of international intrigue, penniless and in danger from those who want either her or her head (or both), even as she frantically wants the restoration of her most valuable item.

Meanwhile, as their infamous rivalry intensifies, Newton and Leibniz continue to propound their grand theories, stubborn alchemy battles the natural sciences, dastardly plots are set in motion... and Daniel Waterhouse seeks passage to the Massachusetts colony in the hopes of escaping the madness that has descended upon his world.

This P.S. version includes an additional 16 pages of information about the book, such as author interviews, suggested reading, and more.

Our thoughts on The Confusion

Our favourite quote from The Confusion

The problem of the librarian is that books are multi-dimensional in their subject matter but must be ordered on one-dimensional shelves.

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The problem of the librarian is that books are multi-dimensional in their subject matter but must be ordered on one-dimensional shelves.

— Neal Stephenson, The Confusion