Truth vs Falsehood

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by David R. Hawkins

The exploration into the truth of man's activities is unique, intriguing, and provocative. From a new perspective, one quickly grasps the levels of truth expressed by the media, the arts, writers, painters, architecture, movies, TV, politics, and war, as well as academia and the greatest thinkers and philosophers through the ages. With this book's explanations, it becomes apparent why the human mind, unaided, has been intrinsically incapable of discerning truth from falsehood.

Our thoughts on Truth vs Falsehood

Our favourite quote from Truth vs Falsehood

One can let go of the egoistic illusion that spiritual progress is difficult and that one has to do it all alone. On the contrary, illusions of lack disappear and powerful energies now help to sustain one’s progress, which is now accompanied by the pleasure of increased self-esteem, and the world magically begins to appear to be a friendly and helpful place.

Book Summary

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One can let go of the egoistic illusion that spiritual progress is difficult and that one has to do it all alone. On the contrary, illusions of lack disappear and powerful energies now help to sustain one’s progress, which is now accompanied by the pleasure of increased self-esteem, and the world magically begins to appear to be a friendly and helpful place.

— David R. Hawkins, Truth vs Falsehood